2nd Futur-Kup

Last October 10th, Futurmec Srl company was glad to organize the Second edition of Futur-Kup! The event took place within the Tiro a Volo San Martino in Rio Salso, in the province of Pesaro-Urbino.

Professional gunners and clay-pigeon shooting lovers competed in a breathtaking match, trying to win the most prestigious stakes: the new Futur-K6AM stock!

After the success of the first edition, we wanted to repeat this wonderful event, experiencing a remarkable success. The people who entered the competition were more than 30 and there was also a large audience who attended this magnificent fun-filled day dedicated to sport.

How it took place

The competition was a 50-clay-pigeon match, but this year we have wanted to put to the fore not just the practice, but even moments of sharing and debate among the sportspeople, in compliance with the rules that this difficult period has imposed.

During the workshop, the expert Sauro Ruggeri illustrated to all the participants the specific techniques and features of our new Futur-K6AM stock, with a detailed explanation about the improvements we had made. Thanks to its fully adjustable parts, our stock provides the utmost comfort and a remarkable adaptability. This patented system can absorb 25% of the recoil, restricting abrupt movements of the shotgun. We would like our stock to become essential for all the gunners. For this reason, we always exchange views with professionals and experts that, with their experience, supports us in the constant search for more and more innovative solutions.

The competition started at about 11.00 am and for a couple of hours the gunners gave life to numerous breathtaking matches. Then a break followed, during which all the participants could taste several local products of the Marche region, taking a rest to recover the energies spent throughout the shooting sessions. The afternoon finished with the highlight of the day… the Barrage!

After that Lucio Miranda was proclaimed the absolute winner of the 50-clay-pigeon match with an amazing score of 49 out of 50, the 6 best gunners competed again to win the most coveted stakes. The one who won the Barrage was Agostino Sanchi who got the jump on Lucio Miranda in a final compelling palyoff. So, Sanchi was awarded the new Futur-K6AM stock, flying on the highest step of the podium.

The top of the ranking was completed by:

Luigi Lubrino, Massimiliano Alberti, Giovanni Cappellacci and Valerio Agostini who won tasty local products.

We express our heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to make this day really unforgettable. See you next year for the 3rd Edition.

We will be there! And you?